Loại card đồ họa nào cần cho Lumion 8?
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Đảm bảo nhấp vào đây để kiểm tra xem bộ nguồn điện của bạn có phù hợp với card đồ hoạ của bạn hay không.
CẢNH BÁO: Nguồn điện của các máy trạm Dell nhất định sẽ chỉ hoạt động với card đồ hoạ mà chúng được phân phối với (hoặc card đồ hoạ từ thấp đến trung bình). Trừ khi bạn có thể thay thế nguồn cung cấp năng lượng Dell bằng một thiết bị phù hợp hơn, bạn sẽ không thể sử dụng các card đồ họa cao cấp như GTX 1070, 1070 Ti, 1080, 1080 Ti và Titan Xp.
- DirectX 11 compatible.
- Minimum 2,000 PassMark points.
- Minimum 2GB dedicated graphics card memory.
Các hướng dẫn sau đây mô tả card đồ họa nào bạn cần dựa trên sự phức tạp của những khung cảnh mà bạn dùng Lumion:
SIMPLE SCENES IN LUMION: (e.g. a small building/interior without much detail)
Minimum 2,000 PassMark points and 2GB dedicated graphics card memory (RAM). DirectX 11compatible.
Examples: GeForce GTX 745, Quadro K4000M, GeForce GTX 570M.
MODERATELY COMPLEX SCENES IN LUMION: (e.g. a moderately detailed office complex)
Minimum 6,000 PassMark points and 4GB dedicated graphics card memory (RAM). DirectX 11compatible.
Examples: Nvidia GTX 960, Nvidia Quadro K5200, AMD Radeon R9 290 or faster.
VERY COMPLEX SCENES IN LUMION: (e.g. a large park or part of a city)
Minimum 8,000 PassMark points and 6GB dedicated graphics card memory (RAM). DirectX 11compatible. The CPU should have as high a GHz value as possible, ideally 4.0+ GHz.
Examples: Nvidia GTX 1060 (6 GB memory), Quadro K6000.
ULTRA COMPLEX SCENES IN LUMION: (e.g. a super detailed city, airport or stadium)
Minimum 10,000 PassMark points and 8GB+ dedicated graphics card memory (RAM). DirectX 11compatible. The CPU should have as high a GHz value as possible, ideally 4.2+ GHz.
Examples: Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti (11 GB memory), Nvidia GTX Titan X (12 GB memory)
Multiple graphics cards (in SLI configuration) will not give you a performance boost in Lumion.
For those reasons, we recommend buying the fastest graphics card with a single GPU and as much on-board memory as you can afford. The Nvidia GTX Titan X (with 12 GB memory) and the GTX 1080 Ti with 11 GB memory are currently the best choices.
Some of our users use 2 graphics cards connected to 2 different monitors. That way, you can use Lumion on 1 monitor/graphics card while the other monitor/graphics card is used for other applications. This sort of set-up tends to have a negligible impact on performance.
The framerate in Build mode can be adversely affected by your CPU, if it isn’t fast enough to keep up with your graphics card, especially if you have a modern high-end graphics card.
The framerate in Build mode also depends on the monitor resolution. If you’re only ever going to use Lumion at a resolution of 1920×1080 pixels you will not need as powerful a graphics card as if you were to connect it to an external monitor with a resolution of 3840×2160 pixels.